There Is No Uncaring In Unschooling
"He'd fooled us. He'd been learning all along--we just hadn't been able to see it because it didn't follow from our "teaching." It came from doing, sharing, and observing, from osmotically absorbing what was around him. I recalled that he once said to Mark, who was giving him snowboard instruction, "Dad, would you stop trying to teach me and just let me learn?"
~Deborah Sutton from Three Frog Nights (Mothering Magazine, May/June 2009)
Oh, they are all so cute! You're a better woman than I am. I don't think I'd be able to let any of them go!
I don't feel like a better woman. I feel the opposite, like a not good mother.
Oh, when I saw the "no babies" picture I almost started crying. How sad :( Sending you hugs.
Thanks. I know folks around the country have been dealing with really serious floods and fires and big decisions. So I feel a little silly admitting that I sat on my couch and cried this afternoon. But Mama cat was looking for them - in all their favorite places. Owie.
Nothing is as sad as a mommy looking for her babies. That is sad to be part of, even if it is for the best in the long run. Loss is loss and it all hurts the same.
Sometimes we do the best parenting when it feels the worst. Little by little we try to prepare our kids for the stuff to come in their lives. Births, joys, and giving up things that we want to keep if it is the right decision, even if it hurts. Sending my best :)
Aww, I'm sorry. We've given away several wonderful babies too. Somehow, knowing this day would come doesn't make you feel much better when it does. But what a wonderful adventure it was.
I once had the bestest momma cat ever. She was BORN to have kittens she was so good at it. I had to give three of them away...I was SO involved in packing and moving I was only slightly aware of her loss and sorrow. I feel bad, but maybe it was good I was too busy....
Anyway...sorry you're going thru this...thinking of you...
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