March 7, 2009

After watching me pull a huge baby goat from her mother today, watching her sister being born with no help, toweling off the babies, and letting the first one suck on her fingers my daughter said, "Not every kid gets to do this today."

We sat in the barn for the rest of the day, waiting on the last pregnant goat to have her baby. While we waited, Henry sat in the hay reading Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. Riley snuggled in a corner with a kitten. Later, both children got in the pen with the newborn goats. I think both children left when the adults decided to burn the horn buds off the baby heifer. But I'm not sure because I was too busy helping to hold that calf still.

Babies, children, love, and hay everywhere. Positively Everywhere. Too tired to write more.

1 comment:

MOM #1 said...

Sounds like a great day!

Both of those commercials are too funny!