October 3, 2008

We can talk about the farm or we can talk about politics. No one ever says the word maverick at the farm. But we do say BABY COWS. We say that a lot. We also say New Goats. And Eggs.


rae said...

K, those photos are just beautiful! What an awesome classroom, an awesome opportunity, an awesome life you are providing for your children. They are so very blessed! And they look so at home there. How is the farm hunt going? They need a farm of their very own. :)

K said...
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Anonymous said...

What lucky kids you have. I want to sign my daughter (and future children) up for 4H and try and give her some of these opportunities too. I think too many people these days are so disconnected from the natural world and where our food comes from. They just take it all for granted.

Mrs. G. said...

Could I have your life now? Amazing photos.

candyn said...

Sigh... I love these photos and the lifestyle they represent.

MOM #1 said...

Oh, those pictures are so beautiful and I am so jealous.

Do you want to adopt?

We're a family of three city dwellers who sorely want to live the country life but just don't know how . . . help us!

Katie said...

I just had to come back.
Thanks for the encouraging words about my photos. Uh,did anyone ever tell you that you take amazing pictures? What kind of camera do you have? I manage with just a Kodak point and shoot.

K said...

Mom#1, actually I do have something to offer any city homeschooler looking for country respite. Check out these folks. They run a farm and keep a cottage open for any homeschoolers that want to come visit. How Cool Is That?


Katie, thank you very very much! I use a cannon powershot for color and film cameras for black and white. Photography is a hobby that helps get me through the long Mommy days. Like knitting, you can do it and parent at the same time - so portable. And who isn't trying to stop time around their children? (While trying to get through the long day.) Oh, the irony...