Friends are life lines. Blogging is a life line for many homeschoolers. Art in general is a huge life line, it keeps some folks I know able to breath. But when all three conflagrate, the light thrown is more magical than a simple tow rope. A tiny star flairs in gratitude and warms as it expands. And I think that kind of energy is just what we all need right now in this country. More powerful than a life line, magic to be sure: connection, communication, shared lives. Throw out your ropes children, and see what happens.
Thanks for the mer-line Mommylion!
Aw, your post brought tears to my eyes. Both with the ripping out of your beautiful lace (how sad!), and the communication through art part. :)
I love all things artistic, imperfect and handmade, yet I have no talent. None at all. I can't even make small talk very well. It really is so sad.
Perhaps my talent is just enjoying the art of others and letting them borrow a little of my breath. Maybe.
I just finished the book you recommended, Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady. It was a true blue riot. I don't know how I ever missed it.
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