July 27, 2008

My First Lace

Can I get an Amen?
Seriously, this is one of the harder things I've ever done. Physically and mentally. I almost cried when I finished it. It is 100% cotton, with a nice heft, thick and warm. I was determined to finish today. My back was throbbing. My wrists were burning. I had to take Advil and a nap. But by God and Miss Scarlet, I got it DONE! SWEEEEEET!
Thanks to Ry for the pictures.


candyn said...

Amen... :)

Oh wow, just beautiful!

rae said...

Amen - and Hallelujah! That is freaking amazing! My newly finished dishcloths look much less impressive now. ;-)

MOM #1 said...

It's beautiful.

Let the church say . . . "AMEN!"

Bonni said...

That's awesome! What a great jo you've done!

K said...

Thanks y'all! : )

The hardest thing I've ever done physically and mentally? Well, perhaps I exaggerate. Or perhaps I've lived a lazy life... But it was very challenging and they say its just a "starter" lace. Ya know, for beginners and babies and (what did they call me in school? ah yes,) the learning disabled.

Sara said...


I'm so impressed. Just, Wow, it looks good. And, wow, it looks hard to do.

Maria said...

Incredible!! So beautiful! What a sense of accomplishment you must feel! Amen, to THAT.

BTW, per your post after this one...bad picture or no, that boy is beautiful (he probably wouldn't like that adjective..) and very cool "despite" all that stultifying unschooling he does, he seems to be turning out okay,eh?

Anonymous said...

Two thoughts: cotton is miserable for everyone. It has no elasticity, like wool, so it take a toll on all your joints. I personally never knit with cotton. Well, I did once, but I never will again. At least nothing bigger than a dishcloth.

And it looks to me like you might be knitting lace from line-by-line instructions. That's hard, harder than it has to be. Try a chart, and you may see how much more quickly you understand what you're doing.

Opinions freely given. :-) Your mileage may vary.