June 10, 2008

Magic The Movie

Written and produced by Henry


Maria said...

Henry! This is great! I laughed so hard! I can't wait to show my daughter! SHe loves making videos...alas, we don't have a camera that is digital...just and old clunker..but I'd love her to be able to post her stuff, like you did!

We'll keep our eyes open for a Magic Deck. I think I've seen something like that around here, but don't know if they are native to ocean areas...perhaps a new species? Ours have more numbers and shapes on them, however....

Maria said...

From Ms. D: These so called "marvelous creatures" are undoubtedly amazing! I hope someday they will be in science books and we will get to know these creatures better. Scientists from all over the world should be studying these marvelous hard to understand creatures.