July 29, 2007

The Rules of this Meme from Doc:

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like the food you hate most in all the world. Something random. Whatever you like. 2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. 3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions. 4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post. 5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.


1. Do you think about your blog entries before you write, or do they just flow off your keyboard?
I get a feeling I need to write, I begin typing, I am amazed as writing appears before me. Occasionally I will start with an event. "My daughter is sad" and will carry forth from there. If I think a thing through first, it will never get written. In fact, I realise as I type now that I generally write to find out what I think. I am quite sure this is obvious, in any case. So the answer is that my blog posts flow off my keyboard with very little thought. Hummm.

2. What do you think about "courting"?
Because my children are young and because I am happily married (twelve years today in fact,) I do not think about courting. I'll stop right now and think about courting. What comes to mind? Pain and weeping interspersed with moments of breathtaking loveliness and beauty interspersed with self-aggrandising and hideous obfuscations interspersed with apology and elemental truth all wrapped in a circle that moves like a train. YOU CAN NOT GET OFF THE TRAIN WHILE IT IS IT MOVING. This is a universal truth. You must wait till it crashes or pulls softly into the station. Most likely you will either run screaming away, aflame. Or you will walk into the sweetening sunrise holding a warm hand noticing how the mist rises off the morning glories which twine so beautifully through the fence and shine with such amazing color. In either case, eventually and amazed, you will rediscover that it is impossible to see the best details from the train.

3. How do you think your own education prepared you for homeschooling?
My own education prepared me to feel somewhat comfortable ignoring rules and defying authority. My education also taught me that institutionalised school has very little to offer in exchange for the essence that will be extracted from your soul. And as my dear older brother has often said, "You can get an education in any library." Notice that last thing is not a thing I learned in school. That is a perfect description of how my education prepared me for homeschool. All I learned I learned outside of school.

4. Do your relatives think you're nuts for homeschooling? My lawyers have advised me not to comment.

5. Favorite fast food? Oh baby! a big bottle of Mountain Dew and a Grande bag of Doritos. This is always true except when my favorite suddenly, and for no reason, becomes a nasty Big Mac with fries and a Pepsi. That hardly ever happens though. I can eat Doritos till my tongue gets raw.

Regular Mom! 5 questions for you:
1) If you weren't homeschooling your kids, what would you be doing with your life?
2) What are your top 3 favorite books?
3) Where were you the first time you kissed your husband?
4) Give us your favorite recipe?
5) Do you have a childhood fantasy that never came true? Corollary question: do you want a copy of the Brian Adams cd we just got for our daughter? It helps with the "Spirit" dts.


Anonymous said...

Nacho Cheese Doritos? Or Ranch? Me...I'm a Nacho Cheese kind of person. I could eat a whole bag of them in one sitting. But with Classic Coke instead of Mountain Dew.

K said...

Ranch is heresy! Coke? Pepsi!

Anonymous said...

Egads!!!!!!!! A Pepsi lover? BLEAH!!!! Classic Coke FOREVER!!!

At least we agree on the Ranch situation. Ranch sucks. RegularDad occasionally buys Ranch Doritos because he knows it's pretty much the only snack that I won't demolish before he can get to it.