Question: At what temperature do chicken eggs incubate?
Answer: 101.5 in a still air incubator 99.5 in a forced air incubator
Also important:
For the first 18 days the humidity should be 50%-60% ish and the eggs should be turned an odd number of times, at least three.
For the last three days the humidity should be about 65%-70%, and the eggs should not be turned.
Answer: 101.5 in a still air incubator 99.5 in a forced air incubator
Also important:
For the first 18 days the humidity should be 50%-60% ish and the eggs should be turned an odd number of times, at least three.
For the last three days the humidity should be about 65%-70%, and the eggs should not be turned.
HEY! This is helpful! Do you have fertile Aracauna or Australorpe eggs by chance?
And, more importantly, what kind of thermometer should I get? My incubator came without one 00 though it was supposed to have one. (Bought it too long ago to return).
Will miss you Thursday but see you the next.
Hey, the mill down the street from me has Aracauna chicks in right now.
Any thermometer that will rest on top of the eggs will work. You want the temp reading from the top of the eggs. In fact, I need to go check my chicks right now. :)
I'm headed to the mill!...OK, not today but soon. Will let you know when I am in the neighborhood.
Forgot my PW to my blog - oops!
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