March 30, 2009

Banning Hugs At School?

Helicopter parenting is not cool. Over protective parents are not cool. We are told homeschoolers are at serious risk of becoming too attached to their parents, too sheltered.

On the other hand, one school has recently banned all forms of touching, even high fives. Another school, The Riverside School in Princeton, recently sent a class of pre-k kids into a dark bathroom and told them to hide. Why? They were practicing, just in case a shooter shows up at their school. It seems, administrations are feeling the need for more control over their students. Crowd control is an issue at school, especially since violence seems to be escalating in our society.

Over protective parents are bad. But over protective schools are necessary? I should release my children to the care of a school where they can be over protected by strangers? My children who are, right this very moment, knee deep in a stream in the woods behind our house and likely falling all over each other, narrowly missing waking snakes, cutting their feet on sharp rocks, and having the joyous time of their lives collecting aquatic samples for viewing under our microscope. These children would be better off, safer, behind desks doing worksheets?


carver family said...

Keep the faith. Great image.

Thought for the day: All children are home-schooled, it's just that some children have to go sit at a desk eight hours a day.

Anonymous said...

Good point!

Annie said...

This is really incredible. Unbelievable, even. And not in a good way.