February 3, 2009

Henry has been consistent, if low key, about his Italian. And he's getting curious about the more colorful vocabulary. Do they cuss in Italy the way we do at home? It all started with the word puzza, which means stinky. Puzza was a light bulb kind of word that lit Henry up. Suddenly, Italians became more than Mr. and Mrs. and milk and please and welcome and good bye. These are real people. They are stinky. What else is possible?

So, this morning we went to Barnes and Noble. We bought an English/Italian dictionary. We bought a book of "forbidden" phrases guaranteed to teach "real" Italian. And we bought an Italian puzzle book. I said, "When in the course of study you find yourself in need of a book, buy at least three. Because, you don't know what you don't know."

While we were there, browsing Haven Kimmel's section and picking up a new copy of East of Eden, an announcement informed, "Story time begins now." We hustled over, elbowed a few toddlers to the side, and sat front and center to hear "Charming Opal" of Toots and Puddle fame. I adore Toots and Puddle. More, I adore the barmy fat pocked old codger who read. It's been a long time since an elder has read me a book. I was happy as a baby in a buggy. I listened with my face alight. I asked pertinent questions. I clapped mightily at the end.

And I thought, this is good. A 10 year old and an 8 year old, both of whom feel themselves above this sort of story. Both, secretly enjoying themselves. Look how many generations we have here, listening together. This is why I love homeschool. This is exactly what we had no plans to do, what so ever.

And we are home now. Henry is in some quite corner reading. Ry is putting the finishing touches on her handmade feather quill. She is experimenting with milk, lemon juice, and urine to see which makes the best invisible ink. She is noting the ink might be easier to control if she understood how to write in cursive.* I tell her, "Its an art form. You can learn anytime you want."

*Rae, a coincidence. Maybe your little ones would enjoy cursive with invisible ink.


rae said...

I feel a Valentine exchange coming on. :-)

Sara said...

How cool that you were there for story time. I love hearing about your rambling learning adventures.