January 15, 2009

No lamby? The stall was closed tight, Mommy sheep inside. No lamb. Searched the barn. No lamb. Searched the paddock. No lamb. Searched the pastures? No lamb. Dogs put up. All animals calm. No lamb?

No lamb?

That would be pretty brazen, for a coyote to pick a lamb out of the barn. Especially with ducks and chickens sleeping everywhere. An owl? A bobcat? None of it makes any sense.

No lamb?


Joe Williams said...

I WANT that LAMB, Hi!

K said...

Get me that lamb!

MOM #1 said...

Oh, NO! No lamb?

Anonymous said...

How is the mom acting? Is she panicked? Calling for the lamb?? If not, it's got to be there somewhere, right?? I sure hope you find it! I can't imagine losing it! Hey, if you do though, you could try milking that ewe.

K said...

That was my thought, turn Mom out and she will find her lamb. When we let her out she ran to the herd and started grazing. I feel sure that lamb is long gone. Milking is a good idea...Mom is totally wild, but she must be achingly full. Ah, its sad.

Anonymous said...

ah, so sorry about this...it seems wierd that an animal would take the lamb and not anything else, but easy prey? I don't know nada about any of this....but sad...sad..sad...

carver family said...


Any news??


K said...

CC - I HAVE GOT TO GET YOU ON THE BLASTED PHONE. ALL MY FAULT - COMPLETELY - I have been so preoccupied. That little lamb was presumed dead, when we found it not there. It is just too little to survive without its mom.

Want to come play soon? We would love that! Also, I found that sun suit for your little ones.

K said...

Oh dear, CC? You are not my CC are you? Sorry for the confusion. :)

carver family said...

Yes it is...

It will happen.

enjoy the melting.