I'm thinking of starting a new blog dedicated to The Quotes Of Haven Kimmel.
"And no, I don’t think it’s hard-wired in parents to transcend their own moods for the sake of their children. It’s a choice you make every moment of every day — you make it over and over again. I just happen to believe that to fail a child is to fail at life entirely, and if I don’t have the inner mettle to sustain that love, I have nothing of real value. The moment your child is born you have been replaced on the earth: it’s one of the definitions of adulthood. All selfishness and indulgent imbecility should be burned off by the fires of the sublime. Anyone who behaves as if there are other options are terribly, terribly mistaken."
"And no, I don’t think it’s hard-wired in parents to transcend their own moods for the sake of their children. It’s a choice you make every moment of every day — you make it over and over again. I just happen to believe that to fail a child is to fail at life entirely, and if I don’t have the inner mettle to sustain that love, I have nothing of real value. The moment your child is born you have been replaced on the earth: it’s one of the definitions of adulthood. All selfishness and indulgent imbecility should be burned off by the fires of the sublime. Anyone who behaves as if there are other options are terribly, terribly mistaken."
I think you're brilliant. However, a blog devoted to her quotes would require typing in every word she's ever written. :)
You are so completely correct!
I knew you were a great person before you realized it yourself.
Anon... listen to you...
But there are many who use words quite different from great, when they speak of me.
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