"Mom, what is Latin for house cat?" "I don't know. Feline something or other?" "Well, I think its Felis domesticus." The golden moment is upon us. A second or two after I digested this little conversation I said to the children, "Dear ones, well educated people study a second language. So sometime during your homeschooling, you will be expected to study a second language. You may pick any language you desire. It really doesn't matter which you choose. But you are expected to choose one, at some point. This is a requirement, if you want to consider yourself well educated. Any decent college will check to see if you have done so." Henry chooses Japanese and Ry wants to study Spanish.
I have always planned, deep in the back of my mind, to spend a year in Mexico. Because I fantasize that our whole family might become fluent together as a homeschooling project. And what better way? Living in Spain, perhaps, but Mexico seems a bit more doable. I've always pushed this fantasy off into the misty realms of "when the kids get older." Which, as any good parent knows, actually means, "some day when we can afford it."
News flash: the kids are getting older. Henry is now in double digits. (Too Weird!) And I am beginning to realise this little excursion fantasy "might" not be feasible. Alright then. Deep breath. Time to search for language resources. I've no clue how to proceed with Japanese. But I can offer a wondeful Spanish resource: Canciones De Mazapan who are musically wonderful and lyrically rich with songs such as:
Tortuga Concha
Ronda, Ronda Primitos Chicos
and, Una Cuncuna Amarilla.
Their music will educate without driving you insane. A girlfriend from Chile hooked me up, way back when we lived Texas. Back when I learned to detect the difference between Mexican accents and South American accents... Sigh. Japanese? I'm lost. Could he not pick something easier For Me? That's homeschooling for ya. I leave off with THIS, the cutest video by far and a fair portrait of homeschool at its sweetest.
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Una cuncuna amarilla: omg our last two weeks have been dedicated to yellow caterpillars. Did you know that? How weird.
Best of luck in your foreign language learning. It seems Spanish should be easier to find a tutor and resources for, but I wouldn't know where to look for Japanese. Any language with a completely different alphabet is intimidating to me. :)
My husband's father is obsessed with all things Japanese. He even refinanced their house in order to build an extension on it, and the extension is a Japanese room complete with tatami mats and everything. If you do a Google search, there are lots of websites that have free Japanese lessons, or Youtube videos. Some DVD's and BluRay movies have the option to listen in Japanese (and Spanish).
I feel the same way about language and have already been trying to listen to Japanese and French with Meredith. At this point I just want her to hear the languages and how they're spoken.
My husband's mom is trying to learn Japanese and just ordered this book from me: http://www.usbornebooksathome.ca/usborne_books/browse.asp?css=1&cat=1&subject=L&subcat=LOL&id=998 (And I hope it's okay to post that here. It's not a plug because you can't order from me unless you want to pay double shipping or you're Canadian.) She says it's great. Maybe finding something similar would be an option?
Thanks for the tip. Henry is rethinking maybe Latin would be a better choice. Easier, anyway.
I know we should have been on this a while ago. We had a fair amount of Spanish immersion in Texas, so I wasn't worried. But, um, that hardly counts now. Unschoolers to the grindstone! Not really, unschoolers looking for "the Latin of Harry Potter" book.
It is so funny you said that about Harry Potter because I was going to suggest it. Julia reads them in all the languages she speaks and says it REALLY helps her...
I studied Japanese for a year and loved it.
Last year my kids studied Latin. I think we will continue with this then move into Spanish.
Did y'all hear that about "Julia reads them in All The Languages she speaks?" Which is, like, about 10 of them. She has a degree from Davidson or Duke (I forget,) is 6 feet tall, gorgeous, sweet, and 25.
Homeschool World, meet Julia. Julia, meet my microcosm of the homeschool world.
Who am I talking too? Where is Julia? Hillary, your sister has gone barmey.
Okay. The post was great. The comments - sheesh woman, you have the coolest fans. :)
We are "about" to start Latin here. I want to get C's reading a bit more fluent, but she is chomping at the bit. Latin. Now, please, Mom.
I can tell no one clicked over for the cutest little video. IT IS THE CUTEST. I've watched it 12 times, just because its so cute. :)
nuh uh... I totally watched. We aren't studying Latin anytime soon, but I can handle a youtube video :)
I clicked. But your passel of friends just got me totally side-tracked.
There are wonderful Japanese language books. I will be out this weekend, and snap some pictures for you of the books. They are relatively inexpensive. If they seem like something you would like to try, I can ship you a few..
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