There Is No Uncaring In Unschooling
"He'd fooled us. He'd been learning all along--we just hadn't been able to see it because it didn't follow from our "teaching." It came from doing, sharing, and observing, from osmotically absorbing what was around him. I recalled that he once said to Mark, who was giving him snowboard instruction, "Dad, would you stop trying to teach me and just let me learn?"
~Deborah Sutton from Three Frog Nights (Mothering Magazine, May/June 2009)
All this mud is intriguing. I am picturing large mudslides created during the digging project you blogged about awhile back. And you all sliding down otter-style. How fun would that be?
Goodness! It looks like fun, but having dealt with my own muddy children yesterday, I shudder at the thought of the laundry. If only such fun didn't have to get cleaned up afterward.
Pray for my clothes washer.
Katherine ~ looks like "Loads" of fun.. har har.
Hey, quick question.
You said that you set up an email account for your kids. What did you use? I wondered about using yahoo because sometimes the ads are a bit much for my 7yog.
Hey Kris,
I used gmail because I like gmail. But I forgot about the ads. And now I regret that choice. Though the kids haven't seemed to notice...yet. Maybe I should redo them with yahoo. That's a good idea. Thanks. : ) K
actually the ads on yahoo can be pretty bad.. I wondered if you'd found an alternative.
We need a kid-mail service!
Hey, I think you are onto something there! Hummmm, how does that happen? Wanna start a kidternet and make a million with me?
I was hopin' you had some connections! :-)
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