There Is No Uncaring In Unschooling
"He'd fooled us. He'd been learning all along--we just hadn't been able to see it because it didn't follow from our "teaching." It came from doing, sharing, and observing, from osmotically absorbing what was around him. I recalled that he once said to Mark, who was giving him snowboard instruction, "Dad, would you stop trying to teach me and just let me learn?"
~Deborah Sutton from Three Frog Nights (Mothering Magazine, May/June 2009)
Oh, to be a young man on a mission. :-) I can just see his intensity, and I know you must have enjoyed watching his adventure unfold.
Have you read (or read to the kids, maybe) Kipling's Puck of Pook's Hill? I am reading it just now for the first time, and it constantly reminds me of the thrill and imagination of childhood adventure. The idea of fishing or sailing down the river in a borrowed boat All By Your Underaged Selves.. ah, how exciting and wonderful!
Just a couple of weeks ago, I found my husband's old boy scout handbook in a box in the attic and passed it on to my son. We've had a lot of injuries lately ("Bah, it's good for them!" says my husband), but the kids haven't had so much fun in a long time.
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