October 29, 2007

"Goodnight Ry," kisses daughter, turns to leave the room.

"Mom? Thanks for being the best Mom in the world and thanks for doing all the things you do for us. I love you."


kitten said...

That is so sweet. Days like that make all other days seem small.

Fourmother said...

Awwww! So sweet.

Anonymous said...

See that puddle on the floor? That's my heart, which just melted.

Ami said...

And you wrote it down. You know what she said and when she said it. I so wish I had been either journaling or blogging when my children were small.

What a sweet girl you have.

K said...

It seems like maybe something this personal and intimate doesn't belong on a blog. But I have finally admitted that this is the record of their childhood. This is our report card, but its also our scrap book.