October 5, 2007

And Henry is an artist as well. His style is more linear. Spookier. More literal. Their art work is as different as their personalities. Oh, I love them both so much! I am afraid to even say much about their work. Each time I dare comment, I see this reflected in their next work. Generally to the detraction of the work. How good to notice again and again and again, how much damage well intended praise can do to children's creativity.

This is one of the draw backs of school, it teaches the kids to reach toward approval rather than to mine themselves for their own talent, vision, voice. How much do we struggle to find "ourselves" and our voices? Imagine simply never having lost ourselves in the first place.

Now where was that self, I think I dropped mine back there while I was waiting in line....

Henry's birthday card to himself. I guess he knows right were he is, where to send the card. When was the last time you thought to make a card for yourself?


Anonymous said...

holy bajeezus..your kids really are artists.
why am i not surprised?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Henry! Keep drawing.

Anonymous said...

YES YES YES... resoundingly YES.(this is sorta a comment on the other post, too)

Happy Birthday to Henry. I never thought of sending myself a card before, but I just might this year.

Both my kids were totally left alone for drawing. Aside from providing them with supplies and paper and lots and lots of time, I did nothing.

Both have developed amazing artistic talent that brings them joy. What could be better?

kitten said...

Happy Birthday Henry! Isn't great when your kids are so totally different, but sometimes it seems that because they are, they click so well!