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There Is No Uncaring In Unschooling
"He'd fooled us. He'd been learning all along--we just hadn't been able to see it because it didn't follow from our "teaching." It came from doing, sharing, and observing, from osmotically absorbing what was around him. I recalled that he once said to Mark, who was giving him snowboard instruction, "Dad, would you stop trying to teach me and just let me learn?"
~Deborah Sutton from Three Frog Nights (Mothering Magazine, May/June 2009)
Be one yourself. Our children will generally mimic us. Consider the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the newer one with Johnny (you can be as narcissistic as you want because you are so HOT) Depp. Violet Beauregard was as narcissistic as her mother. I've seen it often.
Ok, so if you realize that you were raised by one... OUCH!
Echoing what Mel said. Anonymous, don't be so hurt. I was raised by one and I readily admit I have narcissistic tendencies because of it, as do my brothers. You may not, but being "hurt" by random comments on the internet is a sign that you probably are ;-) *being cheeky*
I'm curious as to what's behind the question, Katherine?
I've seen cases where parents put their children on a pedestal, fail to set limits and/or correct inappropriate behavior with narcissism being the result. Sometimes moms can be too self-sacrificing, leading kids to believe that everything will revolve around them.
Of course, Katherine, this begs the question. Why would someone want to raise a narcissist?
Inquiring minds want to know. :)
Do you mean, in a good way? Is it possible to raise someone narcissistically, in a good way? :)
To who ever said this: "Ok, so if you realize that you were raised by one... OUCH!"
I salute you. You are a bad ass, brave, and honest person it would seem. It would seem you are willing to look directly at yourself. What is harder? What more can we do?
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