September 11, 2007

My girlfriend, whose name I am longing to publish but won't because of her so called "privacy" (what ever,) my girlfriend whipped her son down for a couple of conferences with a therapist. They hit a normal bump in the road and some anxiety flared up so they got some professional help. I know this therapist they went to. She is the kind of 50 year old woman that makes your heart sing. She is so bad ass and smart and beautiful and unafraid and straight. So. Know what this Freaking Bad to the Bone Woman/Professional Psychologist said to my friend? After a few sessions she said, "You son is fine now. You are done and y'all can get on with your lives. You don't need to come back." My friend says, "why are you so sure, what makes you so sure." Get this.

The Freaking Bad to the Bone Woman/Professional Psychologist said, "I know your son is fine and he is going to keep on being fine because I can tell that.....

HE HAS BEEN REALLY WELL PARENTED." Could you just faint? A professional said that to my friend. "I can tell your son has been really well parented." I am going to have a poster printed. I mean really, what more do you want to hear? What more could anyone say to you right now? "Go home Ms. Mommy. Your children are doing great because you are doing such an excellent job." Ahhhhhhh. Amazing. Just fabulous. And she is too. My friend is a wonderful woman and person and mother and friend. I think there should be certificate printed when a therapist says something like that. In gold. Framed.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that goes way beyond passing Go and collecting $200. I'm happy for your friend, and also happy that her son is doing better.

Good Yarns said...

Hello there,
i just stopped by and was charmed by your post. I agree - what more could ever be said. Anything after that would be anti-climactic!
It encourages me as we started our school year this week and it was sketchy!

Anonymous said...

holy mother of god...

do you think there is any chance that the mother can BELIEVE it? do you think she will take it in and pat herself on the back and proceed with confidence for the rest of her mothering days? hmmm, i wonder.

K said...

You called? (ha ha)

I guess said mother had better pay attention and let that message sink in or she will have to get used to my ENDDDDDDDDDDDDDLLLLLESS repetition. "I can tell this child has been really well parented."

Shall I say it again?