Finally my, dashing brilliant humble sweet talented awesome excellent and handsome, husband's book is published! http://www.amazon.com/Teaching-Technology-Librarians-Information-Professional/dp/1843341727
There Is No Uncaring In Unschooling
"He'd fooled us. He'd been learning all along--we just hadn't been able to see it because it didn't follow from our "teaching." It came from doing, sharing, and observing, from osmotically absorbing what was around him. I recalled that he once said to Mark, who was giving him snowboard instruction, "Dad, would you stop trying to teach me and just let me learn?"
~Deborah Sutton from Three Frog Nights (Mothering Magazine, May/June 2009)
Kickass! He must be brilliant. I tried to read the description and my brain froze up on me. Big Words. Ack!
Congratulations to him! And you for snagging him! ;)
Congratulations!!! Yay for the hubbies who publish!!!
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