The girl we met at 9 is not fundamentally different from the woman we met at 21. Only, she is taller and more refined. Maybe growing up is actually a process of distillation? We become ever more ourselves, shedding what isn't us more than changing into new people as we age?
We love you, Katie. We always have.
Aw, she's beautiful. I love the photos of her writing. I don't know if personalities come across in photos but she seems calm, centered, contemplative with a soft smile and a soft laugh. Am I right? Do pictures really say a thousand words?
Ha! You know what's funny? Her Mom's name is Mira. And when I read your comment, I thought you were her. So, yeah, I guess pictures do say a thousand words! : )
A link to meringue mushrooms? On purpose? They do look fun and kind of tasty, but what did I miss?
Your Kate is lovely. It looks as though you all had a wonderful and full time together. Yay!
I am dying of embarrassment. If you could see my blush you'd pinch me, I'm that red.
Yeah, it's me. Thanks for the pictures you sent -- the ones of you all are beyond fabulous, and the ones of the chickens and the hammocky frolicking in particular are so cute my cheeks hurt. I can already tell which ones are going on my walls.
I wish there were some way to send hugs via the Internet.
Meringue! You just did. : ) Hugs back to you. I wish you were here. I'm making rice pudding with cardamon, clove, and cinnamon, and yes, with goats milk.
Me again.
That stuff is habit-forming. I bet it would be insanely scrumptious in rice pudding -- pity we don't have any goats in the Old North End, where I live.
I also wanted to say thanks again for the really good books. I'm taking the Haven Kimmel one kind of slowly, because I want to give it the attention it deserves, but so far it's really unusual and good.
Thanks for posting these! I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Kate, and certainly not a grown-up one. She really does look a lot like Joe did at 21! Don't know if he can see it, but i can.
Hey Karin, I'm so glad you said that. I can see it too and I kept saying so that weekend. But I seemed to be the only one...
I see a thread connecting the three of you, actually: Deep Quiet Writers
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