May 14, 2009

I am now about to say the thing no one ever thought they would hear me say.

Here goes.

I think we need a bb gun.

Ha! Surprise!

How did this happen? I've been inspired by Stephanie over at Blue Yonder.


Anonymous said...

I can't help but think of Ralphie's mom. "You'll shoot your eye out!"

I think a BB Gun would teach a lot of good things.

MOM #1 said...

Eclectically yours said exactly what I was thinking, LOL. I actually hate that movie, but who can forget that line. Y'all be careful over there!

Cecelia (CC) said...

When big brother shoots BBs in the belly, this can cause a girl to cry, an I will never forget it. But, that never meant she wanted anyone to take away the thrill of big colorful targets, or hay bales shot from across a long yard.

These memories belie the stash we have for when they turn 8, or 10...

Oh yes, I grew up on a's in the DNA. But, I only admit it when invited.

Your secret's safe with me.

rae said...

Oh my stars. Do be careful, dear.